
Welcome from Chrissie.                                                 

Hi everyone. Welcome and thanks for dropping by!

I’m really thrilled that you have found your way here, and I hope that you will like the tips and information that I am able to bring you.

I have been a teacher for a good part of my life, and I have a wonderful family of four children and six grandchildren, so I have had plenty of experience with all kinds of childhood and adult ailments!

I have always been interested in using Natural Remedies as a first step in the treatment of everyday ailments, and I have found that on many occasions I have been able to cure simple ailments without the need to resort to conventional drugs.

On This Website

I woud like to share with you the knowledge that I have gained over the years from personal use and experience.

My daughter Sally is also extremely interested in the use of natural ingredients and therapies, and has a great deal of knowledge about them, so we decided to create this website in order to share our knowledge with you.

I will be talking about all kinds of simple remedies for a large variety of ailments and conditions, which are inexpensive and easy to use.

Many of the ingredients which I use are those you will probably have around the house, or they are inexpensive to buy. I will show you the best places to purchase any that you need, and exactly how to use them.

I will also give hints on how to use natural ingredients to make your own very effective skincare at a fraction of the prices you would pay for branded items which may well be not so effective!

There are many sites about such remedies online, but we will never recommend any remedy which we have not personally used and found to be effective. We know that we are on the right track, because when we have recommended remedies to our family and friends, they have without exception been delighted with the results which they got from them.

We are very much looking forward to hearing from you too, and hope that you will share any results which you get from using these remedies. Please feel free to share them in the Comments box below. And of course we are very happy to answer any questions which you may have, and we will answer them as soon as we possibly can, to the best of our abilities. Equally, we would love to hear any other comments or opinions which you may have.

If you are interested in how I learnt how to build this website, and may possibly like to build one of your own, you may like to find out about Wealthy Affiliate, which is where I learnt all I know. You can read my Profile at Wealthy Affiliate here or you may like to look at my other website which is designed to help you to start your own website – the link is here.

Very many thanks for dropping by: we hope that you will find this site informative and helpful, and we are really looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards

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 Copyright © 2018



Connect with me and please feel free to leave a comment or question here, and I will answer you as soon as I can.

My Profile at Wealthy Affiliate

Google+ bit.ly/2quZ3D4



2 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hello Mam, You had written an interesting and impressive article,

    I really like your article and style of writing.

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    I am sure you will add my email in your mailing list.

    Thanks a lot

    Vikas Gupta

    1. Hi Vikas
      Thank you so much for your comment, I am so happy that you like my website.
      I will be very happy to add our email to my list, and look forward to
      speaking with you in the future.
      All the best
      Chrissie 🙂

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