Natural First Aid Remedies for Cuts and Wounds, Bruises, Burns and Headaches

Natural First Aid Remedies For Everyday Use.

Here I will be talking about Natural First Aid Remedies for use in everyday situations.

Obviously we all have some kind of first aid kit which contain, amongst other things, sticking plasters, dressings and bandages, and I am not suggesting that there are natural alternatives to those. Having said that. I know that I always use micropore plasters and tape, as those avoid any allergic reaction to conventional sticking plasters.

I will be suggesting which natural remedies to use for:

My Favourite Natural First Aid Remedies.

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How to Treat a Cold Naturally. Help with Colds, Coughs and Flu.

 How To Treat A Cold Naturally

This is the time of year when coughs, colds and ‘flu are all too frequent, even though Spring is at last on the way! So if you or any of your family are suffering, you may want to know how to treat a cold naturally.

Of course, we all know that there is no cure for the common cold as yet, but there are several methods which you may choose which will alleviate the symptoms and will help your body to get rid of the virus which is causing them.

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Why Use Natural Remedies?

Why Use Natural Remedies

If anyone asks me “Why use Natural Remedies?” I would say why would you not use them!

I am not suggesting here that you should use natural remedies to the exclusion of all others, but there is definitely a place for them. Of course, sometimes it is essential to consult a doctor, and of course your doctor should be aware of your medical conditions, but for minor ailments they are often a very quick and effective solution.

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